In the vast expanse of the IT industry, where giants often overshadow the smaller entities, Maryann Pagano, CEO and Co-founder of BlackHawk Data, has sculpted a niche of distinction. Her recent accolade, securing the prestigious spot on CRN's Women of the Channel Power 100 list, isn't just a personal triumph but a beacon of her exceptional leadership that defies the typical industry narrative.



Maryann isn't just running a company; she's crafting a legacy. Under her stewardship, BlackHawk Data has not only thrived but emerged as a leader, challenging the status quo with pioneering IT solutions. Her strategy? A blend of visionary foresight and an unwavering commitment to excellence. She understands that true innovation doesn't stem from mere compliance with industry standards but from transcending them.


Her recognition extends beyond just her company to mirror BlackHawk Data’s dedication to nurturing diversity and innovation—a commitment deeply embedded in its core values. In a world where diversity often remains an afterthought, Maryann has championed it as the cornerstone of corporate culture. By fostering an inclusive environment, she ensures that diverse perspectives aren't just heard but are integral to crafting groundbreaking solutions.


The industry takes notice when a leader like Maryann advocates for equity. It sets a standard, elevating the discourse around what it means to lead in technology. Her leadership style—understanding yet decisive, inclusive yet daring—is a case study in balancing strong business acumen with a genuine concern for community impact.



Celebrating Maryann’s achievement transcends mere acknowledgment of her as an individual. It’s about recognizing a leadership style that cultivates resilience and creativity, hallmarks of BlackHawk Data’s enduring success. This celebration is not just about where BlackHawk Data stands today but about the journey it has embarked on under Maryann’s guidance—a journey marked by bold decisions, strategic transformations, and an unwavering resolve to empower and lead in the tech community. 


Furthermore, her placement on the CRN Women of the Channel Power 100 list underscores a crucial narrative: the rising influence of women in technology. This isn't just about breaking glass ceilings but about restructuring the architecture of the industry itself. Female leaders like Maryann are redefining pathways to success, championing innovative strategies that drive business outcomes and setting a precedent for future generations.


As BlackHawk Data continues to evolve, its trajectory remains intertwined with Maryann’s leadership philosophy. Here’s to celebrating not just a milestone but a mindset, not just a position on a list but a positioning for the future. Congratulations, Maryann, on this well-deserved recognition. Your journey continues to inspire and redefine the contours of leadership in the technology sector.