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Why Diversity in IT Matters: Interview with Jill Werfel

What inspired you to pursue a career in IT?

I luckily fell into IT more than 30 years ago and loved the fast-paced, constantly changing environment and the feeling of helping clients successfully navigate the dynamic landscape of our industry.


What is the most challenging part about being a woman in IT?

It took a while to get used to always being the only woman at the table but I did, and over the years I’ve seen the population expand to include more women in IT.


What is the most rewarding part about being a woman in a leadership role?

It’s extremely rewarding when clients and internal teams know they can rely on you. Being visible and successful in the industry also generates a positive social impact around pay equity, anti-discrimination efforts and diversity in general.


Why is diversity in business important to you?

Diversity brings a variety of perspectives and approaches which results in better performance for companies. It helps ensure that companies are taking issues of inequality seriously and correcting them.


What advice would you give an aspiring female IT leader?

Be yourself, speak up, don’t ever be intimidated. Do your homework and be over-prepared. Consistently add value and earn respect. It’s the same advice I’d give to anyone, male or female. Keep your promises, help your network of colleagues and be a great resource!


Want to tell us anything else?

Speak up and educate colleagues when they use patronizing or derogatory language towards women, such as calling women “girls.” Be part of the solution in making your workplace welcoming and respectful to all!


Help Us Keep IT Diverse

BlackHawk Data is proud to be a woman-owned small business. We’re committed to sharing the stories of women in our industry and opening doors for young professionals. We believe everyone should be able to make changes in the tech world.
Learn more about our commitment to diversity today!

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